Monday, 31 March 2008


If you read this, please send your post adress to us
We have lost it.


e@Connie and Les

Hope you receive these photos OK. We had a great holiday in Tenerife but have come back to some cold weather. Wish we were back there. Maybe next year.

Love from Connie and Les

This lovely couple have helped us out to choose many of the line dance songs we play in the nights. Last winter they sent us a list of the most popular line dances in England and even the dance sheets and we started practicing and have so far got about 80% of the songs they recommended into our repertoire. The dance floor is many times crowded when we play the songs and its nice to get input of people who know what is popular.
Thank You!

Happy Birthday !

15.3 was a happy day for me..Thanks for all the gifts and cards !

A Rod Stewart/Roy Orbison combination in Simpsons teeth and a Brooks and Dunn shirt (click foto for larger teeth)


e@ Mike and Lynn Herbert

hi, just a quick line to say how much we enjoyed your show at los christianos on
tuesday 18 march we only wish we had known about you sooner we would have been
down more often to join in the music and may remember us as the two
couples that came down from the acapulco on ray and debbies night off please let
us know when the sprung dance floor will be fitted i suppose that will be when
the authorities let you put your signs up on your own property for free. great
night we really enjoyed it and will see you again hopefully in nov. all being
well take care and have a good year

mike and lynn herbert uk.

e@ Eileen and Ken Thrower

Just came back from Los Cristianos,only had a week there but had three great nights linedancing and listening to you.We also went to Acapulco
Saturday night and it was Clas birthday! Enjoyed you very much,hope to visit you again when we come to Tenerife.

best wishes,
Eileen and Ken Thrower
from Eastbourne East Sussex.England

e@ Jan Jacobson

Ett stort yeeeehaaaaaw på din fördelsedag lite försenat. Själv kom jag två dagar efter och ett år före.

Hoppas ni har det gott där, har fortfarande god smak i munnen efter vårt besök. Skulle gärna komma igen, men det lär bli Amirika på nästa resa. Eller nån annanstans, får se. Om inte Svante kommer loss och vi får bokat in oss på en duovecka på Göta Kanal :-) Leende guldbruna...


e@ Svante Betlehem

Tack för senast och titten "hemma hos" samt på Lewinsky,
och en kul eftermiddag på Skansen !

Vi kom oss lyckligt hem och e väl tvungna att se sanningen I vitögat, trots hur mycket vi kisar med ögonen så har vi 6cm snö och vinden blåser kallt.
Inga väldoftande vitlöksbröd och ingen uppvärmd pool eller svepande brusande stora strandvågor. Inte konstigt att ni stannar där ni är!!

Vi lyssnade på Jackes program och det lät ju "international"

Helt klart, denna gången ska int he ta 8 år till nästa räjs, he ska vaar mychi förr!

Sköt om er !


e@ Margaret Barr

Hi, I understand that you do country and also linedancing in South Tenerife. Would you please be good enough to let us know how to find you and what your address is. Also please let us know what nights you are open. We have a car.

We are linedancers from the Nottingham and Bishop Auckland areas of the UK. We arrive onthe 7th for 3 weeks and are regulars to the island.

Looking forward to meeting you.
Many thanks,
Mags Barr

Many contact us to find out were we are. On this website there are instructions right under the head logo with the Cowboys ......

e@ Rose and Norman

Here are some photo's, hope you like them. how is the weather there ? it shocking here in England. The first photo is of rose and norman who is sending the e-mail to you. Hope you are both keeping well and we'll see you in january 2009.

all our love
Rose and Norman Holland

e@ Janredsky

We really enjoyed the music very much and just want to say thank you to you and clas for a very nice evening we were recommended to come and see you by alice and jim from falkirk Scotland who are friends of mine at our local country and western club. You are a most welcoming couple and lovely singers. I do hope your health keeps improving no doubt we shall come to see you next year when we come on holiday.

love to you both

Now we are back online

As you maybe already noticed, there have been some weak weeks according activity on the website, but we have been cut of from internet due to some computer problems at the provider. Now we are back and we have had much response from our dear guests and friends by e-mail and such.


Wednesday, 19 March 2008

The New CD out now !

Click for larger picture

We finally got the new CD done. It is named " Country US Hits ".
Police removed our signs at the restaurant a week ago, but we got them back yesterday. We were trespassing on goverment property by 20 cm, even though the signs were hanging on the restaurants private fence. We knew naathing !?!?!?!.... Y Viva España !!!!


Sunday, 9 March 2008

Book tables

The warm weather is back now and we are very crowded in the nights.
A normal night, this time a year at Lewinskis, has about 30-40 % Scandinavians guests and the rest are British with a mix of other nations.
Sometimes we get up to 200 guests during a night and then we don’t have enough of tables and chairs on the terrace. Many times we see people walk back out when they don’t find free tables.
The restaurant has only got two waiters working on the floor in the nights, and when we are busy it’s not enough. It’s really a problem and we are sorry to see people turn away.
If you come to us and the restaurant is full, please, walk up to the bar chairs and wait for a while. Maybe somebody is leaving and you get a table, or the waiters can arrange something for you as soon as they get time. There are often tables and chairs inside that can be carried out.
Some people have started booking tables, every night they come to visit us, and that is a good idea when you never know when it’s going to be over crowded.
Please, talk to the waiters when you like to book a table and point out which table you like to have to be sure you get it.


CD release delayed

We are sorry to tell you our next CD is not ready yet.
Because of colds it’s delayed by over a month.
We will continue the project as soon as our voices become normal again and hope to get it ready within this month.
Some of you have already ordered a copy of the new CD and I promise to send it to you as soon as it gets ready.
Thank you for waiting so patiently.
